Why Your Job Search Relies on Your Ability to Brag (the Right Way)


Nobody wants to be that guy, but the interview is the time and place for a little bragging — but there is a way to do it, that you need to master, in order to be more successful. Here are some quick tips to come across as a professional instead of becoming a water cooler meme.

1. Master the humble brag.

According to research discussed in Psychology Today, listing your accomplishments and accolades directly (unless you are asked) isn’t the way to go. You have to look for openings to work what you’re most proud of into the conversation in a natural way, and the best way to leave a warm feeling is by showing the interviewer through what someone else said. Something like this would work: “Tell me about one time that you exceeded expectations.” “… when we finished the project my team lead actually commented to the vice president that it was the most thorough documentation and lessons learned he had ever seen. I brought a copy of the template that I used to make that happen.”

2. Brag on the team’s performance.

Using “I” excessively makes a strong statement about the lack of team orientation. You don’t want the interviewer to feel as though you aren’t a team player. Focus on the team’s performance and be sure to highlight everyone’s contributions, including but not exclusive to yours.

3. Timing is everything.

Paying attention to the interviewer’s body language and other clues will provide feedback if you are on the right path or if you need to change your delivery. If the interviewer doesn’t seem to be enjoying your dip into the highlight reel, back away. Also, if the interviewer has made teamwork the focus of the interview, be careful with how you frame your accomplishments to highlight your contribution to the team. Circle back to the second point of this blog and really focus on the team’s performance. Show how your role helped achieve the overall goal for the business.

4. Sew your abilities and social finesse early.

Try to work your best accomplishments into the early part of the interview to be certain that the interviewer will remember them after you leave. Making the best first impression gives the best results.

Work with a Top IT Recruiter in San Francisco

Interviewing is an art form, but mastering the art of aware can really help your job search success. Are you looking for more help with that critical interview or finding the right position? We’re here and you can count on us at Consultant Specialists, Inc.; contact us today to get started on working with a leading information technology recruiter in San Francisco.

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