Which Skills Do Companies Need to Develop the Internet of Things?


As the exponential shift into total connectivity continues, the Internet of Things continues to drive technology workers’ skills. Ozy recently collected data from various industry executives, including those at Cisco and Cloud Foundry Foundation, and estimates of the projected number of IoT devices in 2020 ranged from 20-50 billion. That’s going to generate an exponential uptick for the need for qualified staff over the next few years. Where will the highest needs be concentrated? CIO’s Sharon Florentine constructed numbers based on data in Upwork, a freelance marketplace, to issue these top three predictions:

3. AutoCAD- 216 percent growth

These new IoT devices are going to set the current design principles on their ear. Moreover, new products will change on the fly during the marketing and testing phases traditionally considered “late stage.” The ability to use AutoCAD in a way that is fast and efficient while considering standardization or personalization on the fly, while working closely with an entire product development team, will make an attractive candidate in the job market.

2. Microcontroller Programming – 225 percent growth

Since the IoT is really more like a large ecosystem of desktop devices interconnected in the technology circle of life, microcontrollers add processing capability to each device so that each device can carry its weight in the larger system. Low cost-to-build and low power to operate, these embedded chips have a programming and data/memory capacity directly constructed in the system. Think of them as worker bees: Critical to the success of the hive, but able to function independently.  While there are several options, the current demand is for Arduino, used in sensors and automation, as the programming language of choice.

1. Circuit Design – 231 percent growth

Welcome to the age of 3D printing. With the rapid-fire, shrinking product development cycle, new IoT devices need adaptable and easily adjusted chip design and development. From long-life batteries that may require specifically designed circuit boards to manage power usage or multi-chip capabilities to entire products that need to meet growing portability and environmental targets, a strong demand is pushing companies to focus on circuit design. Printed circuit board (PCB) and 3D design are the places experiencing the greatest emphasis now that Moore’s law has been left behind.

We know you are looking forward in your career, and we are here to help prepare you for a bigger role in the Internet of Things revolution. Consultant Specialists, Inc. can help you find the perfect fit. Pick out your dream opportunity and then contact us.


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